
Saturday, May 22, 2021

Is the Final Holocaust beginning?

 This past few years has been absolutely crazy.  People running the world seem to have some kind of master plan, but it doesn't look good for civilization.  Whites are pitted against blacks, rich against poor, the gender insanity against men and women, and now someone has unleashed a pandemic on the world; and a pandemic with about a .3 percent kill rate.  The common flu is more dangerous.  But, what if some of the scientists are right, and the vaccine will be the ultimate vehicle of death?  Who is right, the vaccinated or the anti-vaxxers?

The world seems to be popularizing Socialism and Communism, denouncing Capitalism.  If only these idiots would wake up and realize that it is 'Corrupt' Capitalists that are destroying the world, and heaven help us if we ever become Socialist, with 'Corrupt' Socialists in charge.  If you want to see corruption, just wait until the final freedom is taken away, as all the rest have been, one by one.

Anyway, these corrupt capitalist leaders, you know, the CEO's of the huge multi-national companies raping the world, the only place we have to live.  They are clearing the rain forests, decimating life in the oceans, polluting the earth with their disposable products, digging precious metals out of the ground, leaving gaping holes;  and now are creating fear with a fake pandemic to scare humans into taking an untested new technology vaccination.

If this vaccine is actually dangerous and kills the human immune system, the destruction of human life could make the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews look like childsplay.  Not only will they kill the remaining Jews, but likely all, or most ofevery other race on earth.

Are these evil people even human?  Are we some large experiment that has gone bad or just didn't work, and the powers in charge have decided to just eliminate humanity?  Destroy the ant farm, so to speak - they are tired of playing with us.

You can choose to get the vaccine today, and possibly be making the right choice and living through this non-existent pandemic, or it could be your death sentence. You can choose not to get the vaccine and live, or not get the vaccine and die anyway.  With the ban of information and discussion of this vaccine, it is almost impossible to make an educated choice.

Of course, in our new insane world, making an educated choice is no longer an option.  There is no freedom of speech, and now they are trying to take away our freedom to make the final decision about what goes into our own bodies.  Freedom is fading into the distant past, and it is scary.

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