
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Some Human Values should never be subject to modernization (change).

These are some of them:

1. Truth should win over deceit.
2. Power should be used for good, not greed.
3. Governments should be accountable to the people.
4. Religion should be an individual choice, not a requirement.
5. Sexuality should be accepted, but not displayed openly.
6. Medicines should not be for profit.
7. All people should be treated equally.
8. Perversion should remain disgusting.
9. Countries should have the right to protect its citizens.
10. A person should have the right to defend themselves.
11. Everyone has the right to earn a living.
12. Excess food should be shared, not destroyed.
13. There should never be a price on water.
14. Never, should a small group, hold all the power.
15. Protecting the earth should be the number one priority.