
Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Solution is The Truth.

I recently wrote a blog asking if the Millenials would contribute to the downfall of Western Society, and I wrote it in a 'not-so-positive' way.  I still agree with my suggestions, but I now look on the destruction of Modern Western Society as something that is sorely needed.

I am a member of the Baby Boomer Generation, and I have witnesses the slow death of our, once thought, modern culture since it has been controlled by the sickeningly rich 1 %, otherwise known as the elites.  I'll call them 'The Few'.  If they are not aliens, then they are the closest thing to what humans perceive as, in general.

Aliens are here to destroy and take over the world.  They are here to control the population of the world and watch them kill each other.  Some of them even go so far as to harvest humans for their body parts, or worse yet, to eat them.  If 'the few' are aliens, they are doing a pretty good job.

I have watched as the rich got richer, they gained control over world finances, world governments, religions and even all forms of media.  It is like they have technologies far advanced from normal humans, so much so, they must be from another world or have somehow learned the advanced technology from other worlds.  They treat we peasants as just that, stupid peasants.

I know I have felt frustrated watching this slow destruction of our society, and have often wondered what one person could do about it.  However, 'The Few' have kept me so busy working and living, that my time to think is short.  I consider myself one of the educated poor, that still has a working brain, but am lost for ideas or solutions.

My generation has seen the breakup of the family because 'The Few' have forced both parents to work just to survive.  We have watched while giant corporations, or 'Corpses', owned by 'The Few' contaminate and destroy our environment.  Greed is what guides the few and the corpses and the governments they control.  They have no consideration for peoples lives or the environment, and they think there is nothing we can do about it because they hold all of the financial cards.

This is where the Millenials come in.  I once thought that they were unmotivated, and with both parents working and supporting them, even sending them to universities, they have broken away from the control system that 'The Few' have established over many years.  They want to keep the population uneducated and so busy working, that they don't have the time or energy to fight back.

Well, guess what, Millenials are educated and are starting to notice just how corrupt the system truly is.  And they are connected through the internet and social media, and before too long, something or someone will polarize them to fight against this unfair system, built on corruption and greed.

The Few have even infultrated the education system, trying to keep as many out of colleges and universities by keeping the costs high and out of reach for many.  For those students that can afford it, they have stacked the number of professors teaching redundant classes over those actually teaching worthwhile classes.  You know like Science, Biology, Law, etc.  They have made universities resemble kindergartens moreso than higher learning institutions.  If you say anything that could hurt someone elses feelings, they run off to the safe place, and you are ostrocized for your truthfulness.

How does one learn when you cannot speak, and when subjects taught are so benign that no one would ever use the?.  When science takes a back seat to feelings, when political correctness trumps the truth.  When one group gets more benefits than other groups. When law-abiding citizens are punished, but politicians and bankers and CEO's are not?

I think the downfall of these ultra-rich is already beginning.  They are starting wars, placing opposing cultures together inside borders, and spreading false news faster than we can read it.  All to distract us from themselves and their corruption.  They think they have the social media platforms under their control, and are blocking truthful posts, while allowing hateful posts to continue.  They think they have we ignorant peasants totally under control.  Perhaps in Middle Eastern societies this is correct, but not in the West and Europe.

But wait, there is this new generation coming up that are technoligically savvy, and well educated (for the most part).  They are not highly motivated at this time because they are like the Baby Boomers, and haven't figured out what they can do about it.  They know the world financial system is hollow, but owned by a select few.  They know that these ultra-rich own the major corporations that are destroying the world.  They know that these are the people behind wars and invasions of western countries by terrorists disguised as fleeing immigrants.

They may be frustrated now, but give them a few years, and someone/thing to organize them.  Then 'The Few' will discover that they may have tons of money, but they cannot control a population of thinkers.  The brain is more powerful than the bank book.  The Millenials may be kind and considerate of others feelings, but when push comes to shove, and they are treated unfairly by their leaders, they will revolt.

I just wonder, will I still be alive to see it?

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