Justin has make a mockery of Canada and Canadians. He is importing voters from the Middle East like there is no tomorrow, and even ensuring immigrant citizens that have gone overseas to fight against Canadian values retain their citizenship. Gotta keep those voters happy.
His government has made a total mess of world trade, thus increasing the welfare lines even further. Not to mention the last round of Middle Eastern immigrants that are sucking up our welfare system to the tune of $50,000 a year per family, and of course, their free housing and other benefits.
He has continued to fund billions to the Aboriginal Community, keeping them dependent on the government and taking away any honour they once may have had.
He calls Quebecker's the only true Canadians, and all others just guests. The CBC is under his thumb, and the only news we get is 'no news', or 'Liberal news'.
He has given away billions of taxpayers hard earned dollars to other corrupt countries (and even dollars that Canada doesn't have), placing all working Canadians further in debt for generations to come.
As for his election promises, he has accomplished (well, almost) only one thing that comes to mind. He is close to legalizing marijuana. I am guessing he is trying to stack the deck in his favor for the next election. Let's see, the Aboriginals are paid off, Quebeccer's are happy, Middle East immigrants are well paid off too, he is putting thousands of Canadians on welfare, and the ones not on welfare will be so stoned they will vote for anyone with a cute smile that has legalized their favorite drug.
He has created bigotry, racism and dissension throughout this once great country, and with George Soros' help, he just might get re-elected, unless the last sane citizens in Canada get out and vote him out of office. Call me ignorant or racist, but if it was up to me, I would fire him for incompetency. Of course most of the Millennial's and Gay's think he is a ray of 'sunshine'.
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