
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Back to Canada in 4 days, a little sad but happy too...

I absolutely can't believe how fast seven months can fly by. I feel that I haven't accomplished as much writing as I had hoped, but I finished my second book, and it is currently being edited.  The cover is looking good too.

Upon arriving in Mexico last October, I immediately applied for my Temporary Residency, and now have my first one year card.  I have to return this September to renew it for a further three years.  After that, I can apply for Permanent Residency, and who knows, even Citizenship.

We traveled to Toluca for a few days, had another trip to Acapulco, and then I spent about a week in Veracruz with my daughter (who had flown down for Christmas).  I got my Mexican driver license, and went to the Dominican Republic for two weeks to visit my mother and sister and her new husband.

I published the first book on Amazon and a new site called Inkbok, set up a Twitter site and a Blogspot and have been posting regularly.  The third book in my series is organized and I have just started the first chapter.  On reflection, I guess I have accomplished more than I thought I had.

Sometimes I have to remind myself that I am now retired, and everything does not have to be completed today.  This is Mexico and "manana" should be my new word of.

Happy Mothers Day Canada.

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