
Saturday, December 24, 2016

Racism - it is an illusion of the real problem.

Racism, in most situations, is not indemic of an entire culture or race.  I say this knowing that there has been genocide in various countries throughout the world, but it does not always involve racism, it is sometimes backed by religion.

I have met thousands of people from all different cultures over the past 65 years or so, and I can count the number of true racists that I have met on two fingers of my left hand.  Yes, out of thousands, only two.

I can't go into the reasons why these two persons became racists, but my suspicion is that one was taught it by his parents and the other experienced a traumatic incident with another particular race, and this affected his judgement of all persons from that race.

However, I have met numerous people in my lifetime that use the word 'racist' as if it was a privilege, because they are not white.  The first was a native Canadian that had been raped by her family when she was a child, and for some reason transferred all her hate onto the white man.

Another, was a black woman, that believed that she should get everything she wanted, and it by any chance, a person of another culture or race got it, they were racists.  Or the system was rigged against her particular race.

Another was an employee, that was the nicest person you would ever meet, when she applied and was interviewed for the position.  She was sweet and completely competant during her first 6 months of work (the probationary period), and then she suddenly changed like a light bulb going out.  She started sloughing off in her job, stirring up animosity with her fellow employees, and pushing for an advantage for advancement.  When it finally reached the point of a grievance being filed, the racist word was flung in my face.

I could go on, but you get the picture.  It seems that people from minorities (and not in all cases) use the 'race' word as a last resort for trying to get something they want and didn't receive, or as a defense for their own inadequacy.  Whether it being indoctrinated into them by parents or friends, or just learned through their own experiences, the result is the same - they try to get others to follow their lead and become as racist as they are.

Now this is not to say that it is only races other than white people that use the word racist as their last option.  I would assume that if a minority of white people living in a predominantly black/asian/other country didn't get their way, they could just as easily use the 'racist' word against their dominating culture.

My final point, as always, Islam.  I find that Islam is the worst of the worst in the racism race.  They have been taught, and continue to teach their children, that women are second class, just above Jews and Infidels (anyone that doesn't follow their faith), that gays should be thrown off roofs, that bad women should be stoned to death; and that everyone else that doesn't follow their corrupt religion, should be beheaded.  Not only that, it is a religion that once you enter, death is the only option if you want to leave.

It is the most racist of all religions, and it has affected numerous Middle Eastern cultures and wants to spread to the entire earth.  Amazingly, the West appears to accept their racism with open arms.  How ridiculous is that?

Friday, December 2, 2016

Justin Trudeau the first year..

Here are the most important Election Promises (made to almost every minority group imaginable). Let's face it, he got elected because women thought he was handsome, pot smokers thought he would legalize pot, his name was Trudeau, he liked gays and Muslims and aboriginals and transvestites and lesbians and women and men and little children, and especially refugees that aren't really refugees.  He's just an all around nice guy, and besides, Harper was too secretive.

— A cabinet with as many women as men. (All appointments based fairly on competence, not discrimination...hahaha)
— A 20.5 per cent income tax rate for Canadians earning between $45,282 and $90,563, down from 22 per cent. (Of course this will be completely eliminated after implementation of the Carbon Tax)
— A new 33 per cent tax bracket for those earning more than $200,000. (Wonder what it is)
— Create a new, more generous child benefit. (Almost negligible)
— Restore mandatory long form census. (Whoa, glad he accomplished this)
— Unmuzzle scientists. (Haven't really seen any results of this yet)
— Create an arm's length advisory board to recommend merit-based, non-partisan nominees for the Senate. (Seems like all new Senate appointments have been old cronies, just like the past)
— Ensure process of appointing Supreme Court justices is more transparent, inclusive and accountable to Canadians. Trudeau's only pick for the top court thus far, Malcolm Rowe, was one of five recommended by a new independent, non-partisan advisory board. The board's chair, one-time prime minister Kim Campbell, and Rowe are to appear separately to answer questions about the appointment from a Commons committee.
— Withdraw Canadian fighter jets from Syria and Iraq, beef up humanitarian aid and military support to train Iraqi ground forces. (And just what was this to accomplish anyway)
— Launch a national inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women. (What about murdered women in general)
— Create a parliamentary oversight committee on national security operations (this is probably comprised of Muslim friends).
— The first phase ($11.9 billion over two years) of an additional $60 billion over 10 years in infrastructure spending (for other countries infrastructures, not Canada, but our grandchildren will be paying for this forever).
— Scrap income splitting for couples with children (great promise for idiots)
— Roll back to $5,500 the $10,000 annual limit on tax-free savings account contributions (whoa, this is a real help, and people voted for him because of this?)
— Restore the age of eligibility for old age security and guaranteed income supplement to 65 from 67 (ooops, but now let's change it back).
— Work with the provinces to enhance the Canada Pension Plan (work with Provinces, that's a joke, and they are now trying to decrease it not enhance it).
— Provide a refundable tax benefit of up to $150 to teachers who spend their own money on school supplies (what about other workers?)
— Invest $2.6 billion over four years for First Nations education, although it is now over five years.
— Restore funding cut by the Conservatives for the CBC (they should eliminate the CBC).
— Expand the youth summer jobs program.
— Reopen nine Veterans Affairs offices closed by the Conservatives (where?)
— Increase financial benefits for veterans whose careers are impacted by injury (I'm sure it is an adequate increase).
— Welcome 25,000 Syrian refugees to Canada, although it took several months longer than promised and only about 15,000 were government-assisted refugees; the rest were privately sponsored (that weren't actual refugees in need. Some had to be bribed to come).
— Increase funding for student grants by 50 per cent (how about writing off the interest on these loans altogether?)
— Create the prime minister's youth council. (with a bunch of SJW whiners probably)
— Reform employment insurance to reduce the wait time before claiming EI, cut the number of hours an individual must have worked to receive benefits.
— Repeal Conservative legislation that allowed the government to revoke the citizenship of dual citizens convicted of terrorism, treason or espionage (how stupid are these people?)

— Run deficits of less than $10 billion in each of the first three years of the mandate, still reducing the debt-to-GDP ratio each year and balancing the books in the final year. The Liberals' inaugural budget projects deficits for at least five years, totalling $113 billion, including almost $30 billion this year alone. The government hopes to lower the debt-to-GDP ratio over the course of the mandate.
— The tax break for middle-income earners was to be "revenue neutral," paid for by hiking taxes on the wealthiest one per cent. In fact, it will cost the federal treasury $1.2 billion a year.
— Reduce the small business tax rate to nine per cent from 11 per cent.
— Maintain funding level for the Canadian Armed Forces. Government pushed back $3.7 billion for new equipment to 2020.
— Immediately scrap the planned $44-billion purchase of F-35 stealth fighter jets, launch open and transparent competition to replace the current CF-18 fighter jets and reallocate the savings to the navy.
— Immediately invest $3 billion over four years to improve home care. This promise is now tied to negotiations with the provinces and territories on a new health accord which the government hopes to have in place next year.
— Cap how much can be claimed through the stock option deduction on annual gains higher than $100,000.
— Trudeau's verbal promise to "restore" door-to-door home mail delivery. The government is committed only to stopping any further reduction in home delivery while it conducts a review of Canada Post's operations.

— Replace Canada's first-past-the-post voting system by the next federal election. An all-party committee is to report by Dec. 1 on the best alternative but a consensus may yet prove impossible to find (whatever happens, you can bet it is the Liberal's favor - oops, people didn't go their way so they dropped it).
— Legalize marijuana. A task force is to report by Nov. 30 and the government is promising legislation next spring (said he can't do it without breaking treaties.  Funny how other governments are able to do it, but at least he is cracking down on pot stores and sellers).
— Overhaul the Access to Information Act to make government open "by default." (Just ask The Rebel how this is going).
— Amend controversial anti-terrorism legislation passed by the previous Conservative government. The government has launched consultations and is in the process of creating a parliamentary oversight committee on national security. (what national security? and actually he has now introduced anti-Islamophobia legislation so Canadians can't even complain about the Muslim invasion)
— Renew commitment to peacekeeping. The government has announced it will commit up to 600 troops and 150 police officers to UN peacekeeping missions but has yet to decide where to deploy them (yeah, and they can't fire unless fired upon - sitting ducks, and let's donate to the UN so we can look wonderful in their eyes).
— Review of criminal justice reforms undertaken by the previous Conservative government.
— Ban partisan government advertising, appoint an advertising commissioner to police the ban. An advertising commissioner has not been appointed but, as an interim measure, the government has asked Advertising Standards Canada to conduct independent and public reviews of government ads and has asked the auditor general to evaluate the effectiveness of that mechanism. It is promising to eventually entrench in legislation third-party oversight of government ads.

— Reform election laws: repeal controversial elements of the Fair Elections Act, restore the independence of elections watchdogs, create an independent commission to organize leaders' debates during campaigns, limit party spending between elections.
— Implement all 94 recommendations made by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the lingering effects of residential schools on indigenous peoples (glad they are good at looking at fixing the past rather than our future)
— Re-establish lifelong disability pensions for veterans (don't hold your breath, veterans are freezing in the streets while immigrants get free housing)
— Cover the cost of four years of post-secondary education for every vet (I don't think they know what a veteran is)
— Reform the operation of Parliament, including empowering backbenchers with more free votes, a weekly prime minister's question period, more open board of internal economy meetings and an end to omnibus bills (I think the anti-Islamophobia bill came from one of these morons).
— Create an office of counter-radicalization to deal with the phenomenon of home-grown extremists. (while changing laws against Canadians to create home-grown extremists).

— Adhere to the principles of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which states that no law or project can proceed without the “free, prior and informed consent" of indigenous people impacted by them. Some aboriginal leaders believe that confers a veto over natural resource projects. The government, which recently approved the Site C hydro dam and Pacific NorthWest LNG terminal in B.C. over aboriginal objections, says it doesn't.
— Collaborate with premiers. Trudeau has met twice with first ministers to craft a national strategy on climate change and is scheduled to do so again before the end of the year. But he's also infuriated some premiers by unilaterally announcing that the federal government will impose a floor price on carbon pollution — $10 per tonne starting in 2018 rising to $50 per tonne by 2022 — on provinces and territories that don't do it on their own. (Trudeau is showing scorn for other Provinces except Quebec, just like daddy did). 

He's further angered them by sticking with the previous Conservative government's unilateral decision to limit annual increases in health transfer payments to the provinces to no more than three per cent, ending the six per cent escalator that's been in place since 2004.
— Restore public trust in environmental assessments of resource-based projects. While it develops new rules, the government has established an interim process imposing more stringent environmental hurdles and consultations with indigenous peoples. But the National Energy Board's review of the controversial Energy East pipeline proposal has been stalled due to complaints about NEB members meeting privately with proponents of the project.
— Lift the two-per-cent cap on annual First Nations program funding. Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett insists the cap was lifted in the government's inaugural budget, which included a "historic" investment of $8.4 billion over five years for aboriginal education, water systems, family and child services and other programs. But some First Nations chiefs are suspicious that the cap won't actually be lifted for another year.  (One good thing, he has eliminated chiefs/bands necessity to show where the billions are spent, thus ensuring band members starve and freeze, while the chiefs and their families can easily steal).

It appears that the only two things this government is good at.  Spending tax dollars like they were throwing out the garbage, and showing the world how 'Entitled' his little political group thinks of themselves.  Does this man actually hate Canada?  It sure looks like it, when he is here and not vacationing with his buddies at Soros and other multi-millionaire NWO promoters.

Please feel free to comment or add/subtract as you wish.

So, if Mohammad talked to God, and God told him...

that it was OK to screw and marry children as long as they had sort of reached puberty (about 8 or 9 years old), does that make God a pedophile too?  Or are there more than one God?  One telling Muslims they can rape children, and one telling Christians that this is not acceptable.  Or, are Muslims just the chosen people, and they get all the benefits above everyone else?

Or has the Christian Religion misled it's followers, and it actually is OK to rape children, they just forgot to tell us.  If there are two Gods, why tell one religion one thing and another the opposite?

It is my opinion, as someone who believes them-self to be relatively good, I would go with the Christian option - that it is not OK to rape young children, because they are still too young to understand what is happening to them.  What do you think?